Title: The Overcomers: Christian Authors Who Conquered Learning Disabilities by Ginny Aiken, Margaret Daley, Jane Myers Perrine, Ruth Scofield and me, Molly Noble Bull.
Publisher: Westbow Press published The Overcomers.
Cover blurb: Did you ever try to push a one hundred-pound rock up a hill with nothing but a toothpick? If you can image what that might be like, you have some idea how difficult it is for a child with a learning problem to read or spell ten simple words.
Five published Christian authors with learning disabilities wrote this book from their own experiences. It is their hope that others will be encouraged from reading how they overcame.
1) How did this story come to you?
I was on an Internet loop made up of Love Inspired authors. One day the Lord led me to tell everyone on that loop that I had a learning problem. I didn’t want to tell my long held secret to a group of published novelists I respected. Nevertheless, I told them in an email message, and as soon as I clicked send, I regretted it.
How could I have guessed that seven of the women in that group would write to say that they had learning problems, too? From that small group, The Overcomers was born.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
In 2007 The Overcomers was accepted for publication by a small press. However, the publisher went out of business before the book came out. In 2011 we paid Westbow Press to publish it, and now it’s available in paperback and as an e-book.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I’ve never had a sense of smell. Yes, I can taste, but things might taste differently to me than they do to you.
As a teenager, I planned to be a professional singer when I grew up or a journalist.
I taught third grade, second grade and kinder for a total of eleven years before becoming a novelist.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I am waiting to hear from an editor that took one of my novels to committee. If the book sells, I will polish it, and God willing, I will start on something else.
5) Parting comments.
To find all my books, write Molly Noble Bull in the search slot at online and walk-in bookstores.
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6) Were can fans find you on the internet?