Desert Breeze Publishing Offers Contract
Last Thursday, I was thinking about all of the last minute things I needed to do before I could leave for the beach. There was laundry to finish up, a house to lock up, dogs to deliver to in-laws, birds to be taken care of, etc. I knew that it was about time that I heard back from Desert Breeze Publishing, an ebook publisher Michelle Sutton recommended when she found out that I write inspirational romantic suspense that's not the run of the mill. For one thing, the first few chapters of the book, Killing Time, were set in a jail. What do you think would happen if a strong Christian woman was wrongly accused and incarcerated? Would she crack under the pressure? And, what would happen if inmates were being murdered at the jail and someone was trying to frame her?
Killing Time didn't make the rounds much. Desert Breeze Publishing was the only publisher to see it. It placed third in the Duel on the Delta contest, which Tina Columbo of Steeple Hill judged. She didn't request a full, stating that it didn't fit their line, but requested that I send her something else. I've not had anything else to send because I'm a new author and don't have a stock pile of manuscripts that some authors have from having written for years.
I'm elated about the opportunity to publish with Desert Breeze Publishing. After learning how to download ebooks to my Blackberry, I no longer purchase in print books unless I really want a book and can't get it in ebook format. I believe ebooks to be the way of the future and am excited about getting in on the ground floor. Killing Time is currently scheduled for an August 2010 release. I'll upload the cover as soon as it's available.