1) How did this story come to you?
Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon is not my life story fictionalized. However, what makes it personal is that I was 10-years-old in 1954 and spent many afternoons playing cribbage with my grandpa, just like Little Brother in the novel. And I also heard many accounts about the “old days.” Many images from those times together in the 1950s embedded in my mind. I finally wrote about it.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
After several incidences of almost getting a contract on this story with several publishers, I contacted Center Point to see if they’d like to do another first run hardcover. They had already done a re-release of The Land Tamers and dozens of others of my westerns, plus a first run of Creede of Old Montana, but this story wasn’t a traditional western like their customers were used to from me. This one’s set in the 1950s, but with stories from the Old West incorporated. They finally agreed to give this one a try.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I used to be on a college golf team and still play a pretty good golf round.
My first published books were nonfiction Christian life, theology, and family books. . .such as, Radical Discipleship (Moody Press), God’s Angry Side (Moody Press), The Surprising Side of Grace (Discovery House), How to Be A Good Dad (Moody Press).
I’m a roving editor for Big Show Journal, a magazine for gun collectors.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I’m looking forward to seeing the first copies of Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon any day now. I’m also writing a story with the working title Throw Away Heart, a western centered around a romance, set on a train in the late 1800s, on its way from Omaha to Sacramento. In addition, I’ve been doing research for a novel featuring my most well-known hero, Stewart Brannon, where he’s invited to a golf tourney on the Oregon coast in the early 1900s. This old cowboy feels very awkward on the links, but he finds adventures anyway. As ardent fans know, Stewart Brannon makes some sort of cameo appearance in every Stephen Bly novel.
5) Parting comments?
Matthew 6:33 is my life verse: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” I apply this to writing too. Getting published is an ‘added thing,’ not the main pursuit of life. His kingdom, His righteousness. . .that’s what it’s all about.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
We have four sites. Check any of them out: http://www.blybooks.com/ (our main website) or http://www.blybooks.blogspot.com/ (our brand new blog) or http://www.onestepovertheborder.com/ (features our “Have your seen my Juanita campaign?”) or http://www.tapaderaswinchesters.com/ (my antique Winchester collectors hobby site)