Sushi for One
This week's book give away is "Camy Tang's Sushi for One?" Camy Tang is one of the best "chick lit" writers in the market with a refreshing voice. In order to be entered to win, follow these steps
1) If you've not already done so, please place your e-mail address in the box to the right labeled "Subscribe to my blog via e-mail.".
2) Shoot me an e-mail at kdawnbyrd_author@yahoo.com (that's kdawnbyrd(underscore)author@yahoo.com) with the answer to the following question. In the book, Camy's character had a 6 point check list from the book of Ephesians detailing the perfect mate. What's your check list? Two or three qualities that you consider absolutely necessary in spousal material or a significant other will be fine. The winner's name will be drawn out of a hat. Thanks for entering and good luck!
I asked Camy if she had a few words for us and here's what she said:
Hi everybody! I'm so thrilled Dawn asked me to write a little something. My latest novel, DEADLY INTENT, just released in July, and right now, I'm writing the sequel, FORMULA FOR DANGER. I'm really excited to be diving in to Rachel's story (sister to Naomi from DEADLY INTENT). I feel a kinship with her because she's geeky and shy and a little weird, just like me! Here's a quick blurb: Someone is trying to steal dermatologist researcher Rachel Grant’s latest research. She turns to Edward Villa, a man she secretly loves, but can even he protect her from the enemy after her life?FORMULA FOR DANGER will release in September 2010! Keep an eye out for it! Thanks for letting me blog, Dawn!Camy
Thanks for sharing with us, Camy! I loved Deadly Intent and can't wait for the sequel.