Today we focus on Clash Of The Titles' alum Shellie Neumeier. Shellie competed in the Back Cover Blurb Clash with an excerpt from her YA novel Driven. This was COTT's first YA title to take the crown.

A bit about Driven:
Robyn can’t help but notice the handsome new guy at her school. She ignores, however, the arrival of another being at Brookfield Central High School—a demon assigned to destroy her…
Robyn loves her friends, enjoys her youth group, and looks forward to meeting cute Caleb Montague. But when a caustic news reporter challenges her school’s prayer team, Robyn must choose: defend their right to meet on campus and pray for whomever they wish or back down at the principal’s request.
Now she must learn what God wants her to do. And she had better learn fast, because there’s a supernatural enemy in town whose sole mission is to stop her—no matter the cost.
How did Shellie come up with the idea for this book?
"The plot [for Driven] morphed over several dinner conversations with my kids and my hubby," Neumeier says. "It started with a whole lot of what-if questions and ended with a girl, a demon, and a whole lot of forgiveness.Once that idea was ready to be written, Shellie got to work writing anywhere and everywhere she could--even in the car while her husband drove. Shellie feels writing very well could be God's gift to moms. " It's something that can be done from the comfort of your home, when time avails," she says.

You can check out her interview on COTT here. What did Shellie have to say about her experience at Clash:
"I had a wonderful time. Such sweet readers with great questions. My favorite part was answering the ones about whether or not I scared myself :D. It made me realize how much closer writing that MS brought be to God. Boy did I pray for those dark scenes. It was a good reminder to keep that dependence even now. Especially now!"
We're so proud of Shellie's success and happy to have had her on COTT. Can't wait to see what's up next for this author!
Order Driven or click on the ad a the bottom of the page.
Visit Shellie
* Michelle Massaro is the Assistant Editor for COTT. Her passion is evangelizing through fiction. She writes contemporary inspirational novels with heart-rending themes intended to frame the message of God’s healing love. Michelle has written for Romantic Times, Circle Of Friends, and Pentalk Community, among others. Find her on twitter @MLMassaro, Facebook, or her blog, Adventures in Writing, and join the fun.