We're happy to have Eileen Rife with us today talking about her book Journey to Judah. To learn more about Eileen and her book, read on!
Publisher: OakTara
Cover blurb:Could love await her, even in India?
Maggie Osteder’s given up hope of finding a man who shares her love for India. So while her friends plan dream weddings, she follows her heart, fulfilling a ten-year dream of becoming a career missionary. “Don’t lose heart. Stay focused on serving, and God will take care of the rest,” her mother always tells her. Yet upon arrival in Chennai, a fellow missionary makes a comment that strikes to Maggie’s heart—that her ministry will be more effective if she’s married. And her newfound friend says she has the perfect match: the new doctor, Gavin Munsfield.
But Maggie isn’t so sure she’s ready to open her heart . . . especially to a man who seems to be struggling with his own issues.
One woman. One God. One passion.
In an exotic culture of 7.5 million people and 30 million gods, one woman’s resolve to make the journey results in an amazing story of the Lord’s protection and provision.
1) How did this story come to you?
My daughter's love story was the initial seed; the rest is totally fiction. I was so impressed by the way God provided Rachel's "Boaz" clear around the world that I had to write about it.
My faith got a shot in the arm as I watched the Lord lovingly pick up a young man in Washington State, take him to India to meet my single missionary daughter, and then marry her in 2005 and return to India as a couple in 2006. It was truly a love story written by God. The Lord deepened my assurance in Ps. 84:11 which says, "The Lord is a sun and shield; He gives grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."
About the time Rachel was introduced to Nathan, my women’s small group was studying A Lady in Waiting based on the story of Ruth. As I thought about the similarities between Ruth and Rachel, a story began to emerge. I woke up one morning with the title for my novel: Journey to Judah.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
The first draft poured out of me in-between two weddings! Several readers and one agent offered helpful suggestions. After allowing the work to cook for a few months, I pulled the manuscript out once more, tweaked according to suggestions, then submitted through the Writer’s Edge agency. A year passed with no nibbles. Then in January, 2007, while visiting Rachel and family in India, I clicked onto my email. There sat an invitation from Capstone Fiction, now OakTara, to preview the entire manuscript. After more revising, Journey to Judah was published in April, 2008.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
While Journey to Judah is based on my oldest daughter’s love story as a career missionary in India, actually my other two daughters are involved in mission work around the world as well. Not only that, I grew up in home mission work. My father served in East Tennessee with Children’s Bible Mission for over 50 years; hence the fodder for chapter twelve of Journey to Judah where Maggie returns to one of her old childhood haunts.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
After a final proof, my third book, CHOSEN ONES, in the Born for India trilogy will be released. I have also signed a contract with OakTara for a stand alone novel titled, SECOND CHANCE.
5) Parting comments.
Journey to Judah is packed with action, adventure, and romance. But most of all, I want readers to know that following the Lord is not a step to fear, but a fulfilling journey on which He proves to be a faithful lover, provider, and protector. With this assurance, I hope readers will discover the special journey God has for them, no matter where that path may lead.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Elisa Maria Crites "Secrets Under the Midnight Sun"
We're happy to have Elisa Maria Crites with us today talking about her book Secrets Under the Midnight Sun. To learn more about Elisa and her book, read on!
Title: Secrets Under the Midnight Sun
Cover blurb:
Twelve-year-old Fredricka O’Reilly has a dark secret. It’s 1967 in the last frontier-Alaska, and the truth keeps the normal happy life she longs for just beyond her reach. Her brother’s four-year stint in the Air Force ends, and Fredricka believes his return will change her life for the better, until he reveals a secret of his own. As her life crumbles around her, the only one left to turn to is her mother. Can Fredricka risk telling her secret even if it could tear her family apart?
1) How did this story come to you?
A relentless character who called herself Freddie showed up at my house one morning and insisted I hear her story. Freddie is upbeat and wonderfully quirky in spite of the abuse she has suffered, and her story is the story of far too many children.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
After writing the story, I got into a couple of critique groups and rewrote the story many times. Then I hired a editor and after doing more rewrites, had another editor go over the manuscript. The decision to self-publish was made after much consideration, seeking advice and prayer.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I’m a registered nursing assistant, a massage therapist specializing in pain relief methods, and I teach financial classes.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I have a children’s book based on a true story about an unusual ambassador that has waited for several years to be written, am working on some articles and also another YA book.
5) Parting comments?
This book deals with abuse, but it’s about hope. And that’s something we all need. And I want to thank you, Dawn for inviting me.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Facebook Elisa Maria Crites, my blog, http://secretsunderthemidnightsun.wordpress.com/
Title: Secrets Under the Midnight Sun
Cover blurb:
Twelve-year-old Fredricka O’Reilly has a dark secret. It’s 1967 in the last frontier-Alaska, and the truth keeps the normal happy life she longs for just beyond her reach. Her brother’s four-year stint in the Air Force ends, and Fredricka believes his return will change her life for the better, until he reveals a secret of his own. As her life crumbles around her, the only one left to turn to is her mother. Can Fredricka risk telling her secret even if it could tear her family apart?
1) How did this story come to you?
A relentless character who called herself Freddie showed up at my house one morning and insisted I hear her story. Freddie is upbeat and wonderfully quirky in spite of the abuse she has suffered, and her story is the story of far too many children.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
After writing the story, I got into a couple of critique groups and rewrote the story many times. Then I hired a editor and after doing more rewrites, had another editor go over the manuscript. The decision to self-publish was made after much consideration, seeking advice and prayer.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I’m a registered nursing assistant, a massage therapist specializing in pain relief methods, and I teach financial classes.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I have a children’s book based on a true story about an unusual ambassador that has waited for several years to be written, am working on some articles and also another YA book.
5) Parting comments?
This book deals with abuse, but it’s about hope. And that’s something we all need. And I want to thank you, Dawn for inviting me.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Facebook Elisa Maria Crites, my blog, http://secretsunderthemidnightsun.wordpress.com/
Pastor Bobby Keating's "Apply Wisdom to Life's Circumstances"
We're happy to have Pastor Bobby Keating with us today talking about his book Apply Wisdom to Life's Circumstances. To learn more about Bobby and his book, read on!
Title: Apply Wisdom to Life’s Circumstances
Cover blurb:Apply Wisdom to Life’s Circumstances is a guide to applying the Wisdom found in the book of Proverbs to circumstances that face each of us on a daily basis. The leaders during the Golden Age of Israel used the Proverbs to teach their children to be successful leaders in government and Commerce. This information is as relevant today as it was in King Solomon’s day. This book is a companion to ‘Wisdom: A Commentary on King Solomon’s Proverbs.’
1) How did this story come to you?
I have studied the Proverbs extensively for the past 8 years. While working as a pastor, I began to notice a pattern in the behavior of our young people and our young adults. Too often I found myself thinking, “What are these children being taught at home?” They were often (very often) unruly and less than respectful to older people. They seemed to consider our youth group just another ‘thing’ that they had to do. They were normal and, unfortunately, typical kids. Without delving into the ‘state of affairs’ in our American social system, I came to the conclusion that these people were getting no positive guidance from their home or social environment. I immediately began to study the Proverbs and to write analyses of the wisdom in the proverbs in a language that they could understand.
As I studied, I realized that the information in the Proverbs was information that could be used for any circumstance in anyone’s life. This prompted me to study deeper and to present the Wisdom in the Proverbs to everyone. This information is vital and life changing when applied to relationships, parenting, career development, finances and practically every other situation that could arise in anyone’s life.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
I have published through ‘Traditional Publishers’ and I found the process so unappealing that I decided that that was not the route for me. I had to relinquish too much control and often found myself almost in agony trying to get things done. I write the books that I do for three reasons. The first reason is to bring glory to God. This is, without belaboring the point, the most rewarding. Secondly, I write these books in the hope that they will help the reader gain a new and fresh perspective of God’s Word (His Wisdom.) The third reason is that they are a tool that God has given me to raise funds for my outreach ministries. I preach the Gospel as often as possible, often in outside settings and in prisons. I have written an addiction counseling program and I lead and train others to lead meeting for people who suffer from addictions. I also teach those interested in becoming entrepreneurs the biblical success principles. I do this at The Christian Success Institute (http://christian-success-institute.com) Self-publishing gives me the control that I want but is very work intensive. Traditional publishing is not much different for the non-famous but I do not have to relinquish as much of the funds to a publisher who does so very little.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Since they can’t see me, I am tall, dark and extremely handsome. Doesn’t everyone like a bit of humor? Seriously speaking, to look at me and to speak to me no one would guess that at one point in my life I was a very accomplished alcoholic and drug user. Christ changed all of that. This is, however, the reason my heart literally breaks for those I see who are suffering from addiction. To look at them and to know that I have a solution that can change everything gives me the impetuous to charge ahead.
Second thing would be that I am a world famous chef. For twenty five years I worked aboard some of the most spectacular Mega Yachts in existence. I prepared foods for some of the wealthiest, famous and infamous figures in modern history. I have worked for wealthy businessmen, politicians, heads of state and entertainers. I prepared banquets twice for Prince Rainier of Monaco’s birthday celebrations. I will do no more name dropping!
The third thing that would surprise people is that I have studied in The USA, Greece and France. I lived in Spain and am somewhat fluent in Spanish. I am hoping soon to develop a church service at my local church for Latin-Americans who do not have a command of English. I also speak French and Greek and I have a working knowledge of English.
That about sizes that up. The rest is rather mundane except for my passion to help others understand the Wisdom that is available to them in the Holy Scripture.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
As far as writing is concerned, I am working on a new book about the Constitution and where our country is headed. The working title is ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as God sees it.’ Next, well I’m not sure. I am hoping to influence one more soul to accept Christ.
5) Parting comments?
Alas! Adieu, mon petit choux. Er, that’s not what you meant, is it? I suppose, to be commercially mercenary, I would like to mention that I am hosting an Internet launching for my new book ‘Apply Wisdom to Life’s Circumstances’ on March 15th, 2011. This is a one day event to entice as many people as possible to go to Amazon.com to purchase a copy of my book (and hopefully see my other books.) Info for this is at http://thesuccessbook.info/booklaunch.htm
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God for arranging this interview and for your listening to Him prompt you.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I’m the guy in the baseball cap.
MY blog is at http://pastorbobby.com/
My book’s website is at http://thesuccessbook.info/
You can always find me at The Christian Success Institute@ http://christian-success-institute.com/.
My FaceBook.com page is @ http://www.facebook.com/pastorbobbykeating
My LinkedIn.com page is @ http://www.linkedin.com/in/pastorbobby
and tweet me @ http://twitter.com/#!/Pastorbobcsi
Title: Apply Wisdom to Life’s Circumstances
Cover blurb:Apply Wisdom to Life’s Circumstances is a guide to applying the Wisdom found in the book of Proverbs to circumstances that face each of us on a daily basis. The leaders during the Golden Age of Israel used the Proverbs to teach their children to be successful leaders in government and Commerce. This information is as relevant today as it was in King Solomon’s day. This book is a companion to ‘Wisdom: A Commentary on King Solomon’s Proverbs.’
1) How did this story come to you?
I have studied the Proverbs extensively for the past 8 years. While working as a pastor, I began to notice a pattern in the behavior of our young people and our young adults. Too often I found myself thinking, “What are these children being taught at home?” They were often (very often) unruly and less than respectful to older people. They seemed to consider our youth group just another ‘thing’ that they had to do. They were normal and, unfortunately, typical kids. Without delving into the ‘state of affairs’ in our American social system, I came to the conclusion that these people were getting no positive guidance from their home or social environment. I immediately began to study the Proverbs and to write analyses of the wisdom in the proverbs in a language that they could understand.
As I studied, I realized that the information in the Proverbs was information that could be used for any circumstance in anyone’s life. This prompted me to study deeper and to present the Wisdom in the Proverbs to everyone. This information is vital and life changing when applied to relationships, parenting, career development, finances and practically every other situation that could arise in anyone’s life.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
I have published through ‘Traditional Publishers’ and I found the process so unappealing that I decided that that was not the route for me. I had to relinquish too much control and often found myself almost in agony trying to get things done. I write the books that I do for three reasons. The first reason is to bring glory to God. This is, without belaboring the point, the most rewarding. Secondly, I write these books in the hope that they will help the reader gain a new and fresh perspective of God’s Word (His Wisdom.) The third reason is that they are a tool that God has given me to raise funds for my outreach ministries. I preach the Gospel as often as possible, often in outside settings and in prisons. I have written an addiction counseling program and I lead and train others to lead meeting for people who suffer from addictions. I also teach those interested in becoming entrepreneurs the biblical success principles. I do this at The Christian Success Institute (http://christian-success-institute.com) Self-publishing gives me the control that I want but is very work intensive. Traditional publishing is not much different for the non-famous but I do not have to relinquish as much of the funds to a publisher who does so very little.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Since they can’t see me, I am tall, dark and extremely handsome. Doesn’t everyone like a bit of humor? Seriously speaking, to look at me and to speak to me no one would guess that at one point in my life I was a very accomplished alcoholic and drug user. Christ changed all of that. This is, however, the reason my heart literally breaks for those I see who are suffering from addiction. To look at them and to know that I have a solution that can change everything gives me the impetuous to charge ahead.
Second thing would be that I am a world famous chef. For twenty five years I worked aboard some of the most spectacular Mega Yachts in existence. I prepared foods for some of the wealthiest, famous and infamous figures in modern history. I have worked for wealthy businessmen, politicians, heads of state and entertainers. I prepared banquets twice for Prince Rainier of Monaco’s birthday celebrations. I will do no more name dropping!
The third thing that would surprise people is that I have studied in The USA, Greece and France. I lived in Spain and am somewhat fluent in Spanish. I am hoping soon to develop a church service at my local church for Latin-Americans who do not have a command of English. I also speak French and Greek and I have a working knowledge of English.
That about sizes that up. The rest is rather mundane except for my passion to help others understand the Wisdom that is available to them in the Holy Scripture.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
As far as writing is concerned, I am working on a new book about the Constitution and where our country is headed. The working title is ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as God sees it.’ Next, well I’m not sure. I am hoping to influence one more soul to accept Christ.
5) Parting comments?
Alas! Adieu, mon petit choux. Er, that’s not what you meant, is it? I suppose, to be commercially mercenary, I would like to mention that I am hosting an Internet launching for my new book ‘Apply Wisdom to Life’s Circumstances’ on March 15th, 2011. This is a one day event to entice as many people as possible to go to Amazon.com to purchase a copy of my book (and hopefully see my other books.) Info for this is at http://thesuccessbook.info/booklaunch.htm
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God for arranging this interview and for your listening to Him prompt you.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I’m the guy in the baseball cap.
MY blog is at http://pastorbobby.com/
My book’s website is at http://thesuccessbook.info/
You can always find me at The Christian Success Institute@ http://christian-success-institute.com/.
My FaceBook.com page is @ http://www.facebook.com/pastorbobbykeating
My LinkedIn.com page is @ http://www.linkedin.com/in/pastorbobby
and tweet me @ http://twitter.com/#!/Pastorbobcsi
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