We're happy to have Kathryn E. Eriksen with us today talking about her book, Walk with the Master. To learn more about Kathryn and her book, read on!
1) How did this story come to you?
I was sitting in church with my family one Sunday, and noticed that most of the children (including my daughter) were not paying attention to the sermon. I started thinking about how I could make Jesus seem real to a child, and the idea of using a dog as a narrator popped into my head. Dogs and young children share many common qualities – both are open-hearted, loving and connected to God. Having a dog narrate the story of living with Jesus was a natural choice to draw children into the story and make that deeper connection to God.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
I was fortunate to come across a story in a local magazine about a Christian author. I researched her book and discovered Tate Publishing, a medium-sized publishing company that focuses exclusively on Christian fiction and non-fiction works. I sent them a copy of the manuscript and about 4 weeks later, received a contract!
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I started out my professional career as an attorney and did not discover a love of writing until I was in my late 40’s. I recently entered the Next Top Spiritual Author Contest and made it into Round 2 (out of 2,800 contestants, only 271 made it into the second round). And finally, I love both dogs AND cats!
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I am finishing the manuscript for Faces of God, Your Dance With the Divine, and I will start sending it to publishers in the near future.
5) Parting comments?
Walk With the Master shows the way for children to see Jesus in a new and loving light – as their best friend who is always there to help them. Jesus is waiting to know each one of us intimately, but we have to open the door of our hearts and invite him in.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Please visit http://www.walkwiththemaster.com/ to learn more about this great children’s book. There is a free Study Guide which can be downloaded from the website and used to start or guide discussions with your children.