Publisher: Sword of the Spirit Publishing
Cover blurb: Investigative journalist, Amber Blake, is a little person bent on payback for the death of her average-sized twin sister. Enlisted by her former partner and estranged husband, Evan, she poses as a counselor in an abortion clinic to expose the doctor responsible for fetal harvesting. As a Christian, she struggles with concealing her beliefs to maintain her cover, while the doctor’s overtures tumble her stomach. Amber agrees to date him for the sake of the story . . . but nothing prepares her for what’s behind a mysterious door in his office.
1) How did this story come to you?
Back in 1999, I saw a segment on Good Morning America about the story airing on 20/20 that night. I quickly jotted down a few lines on a small scrap of paper and filed it in my huge “story idea” folder. When the time came to find something to fit my characters, there was that scrap of paper at the bottom of the stack!
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
Abortion and fetal harvesting is not an appealing subject to many readers, so agents and editors turned me down left and right. Finally, a friend who had published with a newish small publisher suggested I try them, because they published what some of us call “edgy Christian fiction.” And the rest, as they say, is history.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1.) I can’t stand the smell of lamb chops cooking. Because of that, I’ve never even tasted them.
2.) I am a woman of few words. ‘Nuff said.
3.) I’m not trying to be snobby, but I’m older than I look. I included this only because I’ve been told, and I couldn’t think of any other third thing off the top of my head (you can go to my website at www.deborahmpiccurelli.com, take a look at my pic, and try to guess my age. I’ll send a free copy of my book to the first person who gets it right on the nose. Use my contact page and type “Age” in the comments box).
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I’m working on a book with another “issue” and another physical challenge. It’s about a young legal secretary who overhears some incriminating information about an illegal activity. Then, on her way home from work, she is involved in a major auto accident, leaving her with a condition that practically eliminates her ability to protect herself. Was it really an accident? Or is someone trying to kill her? Hopefully, this will be what’s next for me.
5) Parting comments?
As I mentioned above, abortion and fetal harvesting are not topics appealing to some readers. But I hope you will give it a chance, as I feel I’ve handled the subject with tact and taste. It is a romantic suspense, and I’ve woven in eye-opening suspense, and a beautiful love story.
Also, 10% of the proceeds for this book will go to Life Dynamics, an organization that works to stop abortion and fetal harvesting.
9) Where can fans find you on the internet? All over, but here are the main ones:
Twitter: @DebPiccurelli