We're happy to have Lyle A. Way with us today talking about his book, The Day of the Lord. To learn more about Lyle and his book, read on!
Title: The Day of The Lord
Publisher: Biblemystery.com Publishing
Cover blurb: The evil Abaddon, of Revelation 9:11, drools with desire for his release from the abyss and his makeshift throne room deep in volcano Sharat Kovakab in Syria. His hoards of scorpion tailed locusts lust for escape from the pit to torture mankind.
1) How did this story come to you?
The person who co-authored this work, Dr. Terry Gage, is an expert in eschatology. He asked me to write the novel with his notes about the end of days and Biblical references. The Day of the Lord is mentioned in Joel 2:31 which says “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, in the presence of the great and terrible day of the Lord…” The novel is based on the events leading up to and including that great and terrible time which will take place at the end of days.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
That journey was simple. Dr. Gage has a publishing business, so we used his.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1. I have been both a Deputy Sheriff and have done full time missionary work. 2. I received my Bachelor of Theology degree when I was 60 yrs old. 3. I have published 5 other novels for the Christian mystery lover.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I am working on a novel that deals with some of the great events in the Bible from an angel’s point of view. I have a sea novel at the publisher now. It’s an adventure describing events in the life of a smuggler in the South China Seas. I think I will write a sequel to that novel.
5) Parting comments?
I love writing mysteries for Christians who enjoy the excitement and adventure in a good mystery, but dislike the profanity and obscene events that other writers surprise them with.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Cheri Hardaway's "Worth Every Tear"
We're happy to have Cheri Hardaway with us today talking about her book, Worth Every Tear. To learn more about Cheri and her book, read on!
Title: Worth Every Tear ~ Forever and for Always
Publisher: Xulon Press.
Cover blurb: Most parents have heard of the prodigal son, but few expect their precious child – the one who wraps himself around their hearts and them around his little finger – might one day make them doubt themselves at every turn.
This book is for any parent who has ever gazed into a child’s eyes and fallen in love . . . who has poured heart and soul into that child, that he might have the best in life. It is a book for parents who have stared into their own tortured eyes in the mirror and asked, “Why?”
“In a day when ‘expert’ advice about parenting abounds, Cheri Hardaway’s Worth Every Tear is a gem. It’s an honest story of Christian parents who try hard and feel failure. Yet God leads them back, so beautifully, to an understanding that He is as sovereign in the lives of their children as He is in their own. Worth Every Tear will bring tears to your own eyes, as it encourages parents who struggle with doubt and disappointment.”
—KAREN DEIKUN, fellow parent and contributing author to FaithWriters anthologies
1) How did this story come to you?
Five years ago, in an interview with FaithWriters, I stated that I felt like I was born with a pen in my hand. I’ve kept a journal for as long as I can remember; writing is my way of processing life’s ups and downs. Fifteen years ago, I had the distinct impression that God had a purpose for my writing, and that one day I would write something for Him. As the years of our lives unfolded and we lived our story, my husband and I had a growing conviction that we were supposed to share our testimony with other parents, to share with them the same hope and love God had so graciously poured into our family. Worth Every Tear is the culmination of that conviction, the true story of our family’s journey with God. Though the book is non-fiction, I chose to write it like a novel, changing the characters’ names for privacy’s sake. Readers have shared that they were hooked by the story line and found the book difficult to put down. For a sneak preview of the prologue and Chapter One, you can go here: http://blog.cherihardaway.com/p/our-book.html.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
As I worked on the book, I also researched publishing options. The market for memoirs is a bit different than most; the plain fact is that traditional commercial publishers are reluctant to take a chance on an author who is relatively unknown. I did learn, however, that little known authors have been known to find a traditional commercial publisher, if they have a remarkably unique story. I struck out on both counts; I’m not well-known, and a family impacted by drug addiction isn’t a new or unique phenomenon in this day and age. Yet, every person has been created a unique individual by God, with a purpose in life and a story to tell. And my husband and I still had the conviction that our story needed to be told. For that reason, we researched the avenues of subsidy and self-publishing and chose to publish our own book with Xulon Press, trusting that God would see that it gets into the hands of those readers who need to hear His message of grace and hope.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1.) I hate to be the center of attention, yet I’ve written an entire book which shares the intimate details of my life.
2.) I am actually a fan of the “blind date,” having met my husband on one. In fact, my daughter met her husband on a blind date arranged by me and “his” mom.
3.) During my college years in Texas, weekends usually found me in a “kicker” club, garbed in cowboy hat and boots, two-stepping to the latest country-western hits.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
In December 2008, while the writing of Worth Every Tear was in progress, my husband and I began a blog called Glass House Ministries, as a vehicle to connect us with others who could use some hope and encouragement. As the blog has grown, God has also used it to develop a ministry of prayer. My current focus is on keeping the blog up-to-date and on being faithful to wherever else God may take the Glass House ministry. At some point, if God opens the doors, hubby and I are open to accepting invitations for speaking engagements; our desire is to pass along to others the same hope and peace we’ve found with God.
5) Parting comments?
God is faithful. If you are feeling hopeless, He can bring hope to the bleakest of circumstances. During the writing of my book, I had several titles in mind. During my quiet time one morning, I came across Psalm 126:5: “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.” As I meditated on the Scripture, I found myself thanking God for the path we’d taken as a family, telling Him that it was “worth every tear” to be where we are today. It was then that He whispered to my heart that He had just given me the title for my book. My life’s journey as a woman … as a wife … and as a parent has forever etched the hope and love of God in my heart, and it’s my desire to share that hope and love through the pages of Worth Every Tear.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I can be found on my website: www.cherihardaway.com, or on the Glass House Ministries blog: http://blog.cherihardaway.com/. I’m also on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Cheri-Hardaway/728073316, and Worth Every Tear has a fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Worth-Every-Tear/343241642931.
Susan Sleeman's "Nipped in the Bud"
We're happy to have Susan Sleeman with us today talking about her book, Nipped in the Bud. To learn more about Susan and her book, read on!
Title: Nipped in the Bud
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Cover blurb: Paige Turner has secured her first landscaping contract, sprucing up the city park for the upcoming Pickle Fest. But after a confrontation with the city manager, she finds him dead in a mound of mulch. With no alibi for the time of death and, according to the police chief, with plenty of motive to carry out the murder, Paige must dig her way out of the mess by finding the real killer. Attorney Adam Hayes aids in her search as he works hard to keep her out jail—and his heart.
1) How did this story come to you?
I love to garden and I love to kill people—on paper that is, LOL—so it was only natural for me to combine both together in Nipped in the Bud. I also wanted to share gardening tips in a humorous format a cozy mystery like Nipped in the Bud is a perfect format to do so.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
Wow, that’s a story. I was awarded my contract for Nipped in the Bud at the American Fiction Christian Writer’s conference in September of 2008 for Barbour’s Heartsong Presents Mystery imprint. Then in January, the line folded and my dreams died. Or so I thought. But a year later Barbour decided to publish the contracted mysteries in a new single title line called Hometown Mysteries and they selected Nipped in the Bud to release in the first six mysteries.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Hmm, let’s see. I have lived in nine states, one twice. But that was Texas and it’s such a big state you have to live there twice, LOL. I used to teach computers to kindergartners through eighth graders and that job also included doing hardware repair for the computer lab. One day, in my younger years, my husband went to work and I decided to take down all of the walls in the second story of our house to open up the rooms. He came home and all that was left were wires hanging from the ceiling. FYI, we were planning to this, I just got a head start.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I am working on the edits for Behind the Badge, a romantic suspense book releasing in June with Love Inspired Suspense and writing Relentless Pursuit another romantic suspense book releasing in the fall of 2011 also with Love Inspired Suspense
5) Parting comments?
Thank you for having me here, today and I’d like to say a special thank you to all the readers who have bought both High-Stakes Inheritance and Nipped in the Bud this fall. I am so appreciative of all the kind readers out there.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I love to connect with readers and here are a few places I can do that.
http://www.susansleeman.com/ Personal website
http://www.thesuspensezone.com/ Book review website
http://hometownmysteries.com/ Hometown Mystery Website
http://www.twitter.com/susansleeman Twitter
http://www.facebook.com/susan.sleeman Facebook friend’s page
http://www.facebook.com/SusanSleemanBooks Facebook fan page
http://www.loveinspiredauthors.com/ Love Inspired Authors
Title: Nipped in the Bud
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Cover blurb: Paige Turner has secured her first landscaping contract, sprucing up the city park for the upcoming Pickle Fest. But after a confrontation with the city manager, she finds him dead in a mound of mulch. With no alibi for the time of death and, according to the police chief, with plenty of motive to carry out the murder, Paige must dig her way out of the mess by finding the real killer. Attorney Adam Hayes aids in her search as he works hard to keep her out jail—and his heart.
1) How did this story come to you?
I love to garden and I love to kill people—on paper that is, LOL—so it was only natural for me to combine both together in Nipped in the Bud. I also wanted to share gardening tips in a humorous format a cozy mystery like Nipped in the Bud is a perfect format to do so.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
Wow, that’s a story. I was awarded my contract for Nipped in the Bud at the American Fiction Christian Writer’s conference in September of 2008 for Barbour’s Heartsong Presents Mystery imprint. Then in January, the line folded and my dreams died. Or so I thought. But a year later Barbour decided to publish the contracted mysteries in a new single title line called Hometown Mysteries and they selected Nipped in the Bud to release in the first six mysteries.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Hmm, let’s see. I have lived in nine states, one twice. But that was Texas and it’s such a big state you have to live there twice, LOL. I used to teach computers to kindergartners through eighth graders and that job also included doing hardware repair for the computer lab. One day, in my younger years, my husband went to work and I decided to take down all of the walls in the second story of our house to open up the rooms. He came home and all that was left were wires hanging from the ceiling. FYI, we were planning to this, I just got a head start.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I am working on the edits for Behind the Badge, a romantic suspense book releasing in June with Love Inspired Suspense and writing Relentless Pursuit another romantic suspense book releasing in the fall of 2011 also with Love Inspired Suspense
5) Parting comments?
Thank you for having me here, today and I’d like to say a special thank you to all the readers who have bought both High-Stakes Inheritance and Nipped in the Bud this fall. I am so appreciative of all the kind readers out there.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I love to connect with readers and here are a few places I can do that.
http://www.susansleeman.com/ Personal website
http://www.thesuspensezone.com/ Book review website
http://hometownmysteries.com/ Hometown Mystery Website
http://www.twitter.com/susansleeman Twitter
http://www.facebook.com/susan.sleeman Facebook friend’s page
http://www.facebook.com/SusanSleemanBooks Facebook fan page
http://www.loveinspiredauthors.com/ Love Inspired Authors
M. Ann Ricks' "The Son"
We're happy to have M. Ann Ricks with us today talking about her book, The Son. To learn more about Ann and her book, read on!
Title: The Son
Publisher: Leading Lady Publications.
Cover blurb: Daniel Manders has been dubbed the “chosen one”.
Since childhood, he has always been the one that was admired and called upon to do the right thing especially when it involved rectifying a situation for his family. Choosing to leave home to escape the pressures of family, he lived his life without worrying about rescuing his brothers from themselves. While living the life he thinks he wants, Daniel finds himself in a situation that only the Lord can get him out of. When finally acknowledging that he’d been shirking his responsibilities and a divine calling, a way of escape is provided. He decides that he can run no longer and promises to return to the home of his youth. Upon his return, he meets Melina; a woman that seems to be made just for him. While trying to be the man he feels he needs to be and reassemble the puzzle that he calls his family, Daniel’s purpose becomes clear but God’s desire and destiny for his family is challenged.
1) How did this story come to you?
It was impressed upon me that there are so many people that know who God is but are either afraid of being who God has called them to be or don’t think that they can handle the responsibility of being a “true and uncompromising” child of the Most High God. Many sometimes let their fear, families and relationships keep them from the future that God has destined for them. God has gifted so many of us, with the intelligence and “know how” to do so many awesome things. Men, as they relate to the novel, are born leaders. They simply have to acknowledge it and stop running from who they are and who they were made to be. The path may not be easy nor is it always convenient, but if we seek Him first, everything else will be added. Additionally, and contrary to the popular consensus, we ARE our brother’s keeper. Sometimes our family will be our hardest obstacle but we must be obedient. We need to be obedient to the will of God and be that man or woman of God who can show them how to live a life of freedom and liberty through Jesus. Someone’s life is depending on it. Your brother or sister…. Our families and those connected to us are depending on it! Stand fast and believe God regardless of what the enemy throws your way. We have the power to thwart each arrow of adversity because God promises all of us who believe in Him that we’d receive our expected end.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
It seems my journey to get this novel published was riddled with obstacles. I was under the impression that because I had one novel published; Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance, a second novel would be easier. That was not to be. I believed the subject-matter was God-ordained and that the novel would bless those who read it, as many, I’m certain, can identify with the premise, but initially I struggled with the content and writing from a man’s perspective. I knew that I had to saturate The Son with the word of God as it always makes the difference but some viewed it as deterrent. As a result, finding a publisher and getting it out to the masses seemed to be a challenge. I was very happy to finally find a publisher that believed in my story and its relevance and that is when one stumbling block was removed. Getting it into the stores, however, was yet another faith fight. I really had to trust that God had and has everything under control… (BIGGEST Lesson learned!) Thankfully the journey to publication ended victoriously as many who have read The Son have nothing but wonderful things to say about it as it has done exactly what God said it would do… encourage hearts, provide revelation and confidence using His Word. It confirms that we are all called to impact the world with Jesus Christ!
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Well… Let’s see!
1)I was in a music video back in the late 80’s with a group called FOREIGNER. While singing with the Youth Division of The New Jersey Mass Choir, I was part of day long video shoot of the song.., “I Want To Know What Love Is”. It was an awesome experience and a memory that I will never forget.
2) I’m a part-time Fitness Instructor and a real CARDIO junkie. I love STEP Aerobics and Cardio Dance and use Gospel House music to work-out and praise God at the same time. The crazy thing about it is that I absolutely LOVE cakes, cookies, etc. How can I be such a fitness junkie and a sweets junkie at the same time??? You tell me? That surprises me, if no one else!
3) Lastly, if someone would have told me that by age 40, I would have two novels and a third one on the way, I would have never believed them. Many readers think that I have been writing for my entire life and that is true to some extent but I wrote for school and my profession. Writing about the love of Jesus and sharing His word with the masses using fiction is an awesome surprise to me… It certainly goes to show us that God has a way of moving us into our destiny as He prepares us along the way. I love what I do and crazily enough, I couldn’t stop writing if I wanted to!
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I have completed my third novel: THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME. This novel took me the longest to write and has blessed me immensely. It is seasoned with the sensuality of love, the need for familial truth and deliverance as well as God’s promise of hope and redemption. Regardless of who you are; rich or poor and whatever you’ve done or what your family or people in your life have done to you, the blood of Jesus can make you a new creature because of its power. Many are living defeated lives, unaware that freedom and life in abundance is available. Set in present day, THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME chronicles a woman’s desire for redemption. The novel will enlighten and encourage as we journey with the heroine, Honey Lamb. Because the story of her life is one of demoralizing circumstances, she questions why she is and who she is. Not realizing that God places people in our lives for His purpose, she reluctantly embarks upon a journey that will open her eyes and heart to a divine inheritance.
5) Parting comments?
I consider it an honor and privilege that K. Dawn Byrd Blog Spot would decide to spotlight me and my novel, The Son. This is truly a blessing. Thank You!!! Sharing stories of faith and His unconditional and unending love, will change lives and provide spiritual revelation thus augmenting the Kingdom of God. I believe this is what God has purposed for my life and I am determined to walk it. It has been made clear that my steps are divinely ordered and I am assured that God has purposed me to affect lives in a realistic way with messages that will birth “overcomers” in the Earth that will glorify God!
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Please visit www.mannricks.net to read more what God has purposed for my life as well as events, workshops and dialogues that I have had the pleasure to facilitate. Interested readers can certainly purchase my novels Awesome Wonder, my debut novel as well as The Son . I am presently having a “READY for RAIN” Online Sale! Each novel is only $5.00!! Click on the “Christ IS” link to make your “READY for RAIN” purchase and the novel will be signed and shipped to your location.
Title: The Son
Publisher: Leading Lady Publications.
Cover blurb: Daniel Manders has been dubbed the “chosen one”.
Since childhood, he has always been the one that was admired and called upon to do the right thing especially when it involved rectifying a situation for his family. Choosing to leave home to escape the pressures of family, he lived his life without worrying about rescuing his brothers from themselves. While living the life he thinks he wants, Daniel finds himself in a situation that only the Lord can get him out of. When finally acknowledging that he’d been shirking his responsibilities and a divine calling, a way of escape is provided. He decides that he can run no longer and promises to return to the home of his youth. Upon his return, he meets Melina; a woman that seems to be made just for him. While trying to be the man he feels he needs to be and reassemble the puzzle that he calls his family, Daniel’s purpose becomes clear but God’s desire and destiny for his family is challenged.
1) How did this story come to you?
It was impressed upon me that there are so many people that know who God is but are either afraid of being who God has called them to be or don’t think that they can handle the responsibility of being a “true and uncompromising” child of the Most High God. Many sometimes let their fear, families and relationships keep them from the future that God has destined for them. God has gifted so many of us, with the intelligence and “know how” to do so many awesome things. Men, as they relate to the novel, are born leaders. They simply have to acknowledge it and stop running from who they are and who they were made to be. The path may not be easy nor is it always convenient, but if we seek Him first, everything else will be added. Additionally, and contrary to the popular consensus, we ARE our brother’s keeper. Sometimes our family will be our hardest obstacle but we must be obedient. We need to be obedient to the will of God and be that man or woman of God who can show them how to live a life of freedom and liberty through Jesus. Someone’s life is depending on it. Your brother or sister…. Our families and those connected to us are depending on it! Stand fast and believe God regardless of what the enemy throws your way. We have the power to thwart each arrow of adversity because God promises all of us who believe in Him that we’d receive our expected end.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
It seems my journey to get this novel published was riddled with obstacles. I was under the impression that because I had one novel published; Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance, a second novel would be easier. That was not to be. I believed the subject-matter was God-ordained and that the novel would bless those who read it, as many, I’m certain, can identify with the premise, but initially I struggled with the content and writing from a man’s perspective. I knew that I had to saturate The Son with the word of God as it always makes the difference but some viewed it as deterrent. As a result, finding a publisher and getting it out to the masses seemed to be a challenge. I was very happy to finally find a publisher that believed in my story and its relevance and that is when one stumbling block was removed. Getting it into the stores, however, was yet another faith fight. I really had to trust that God had and has everything under control… (BIGGEST Lesson learned!) Thankfully the journey to publication ended victoriously as many who have read The Son have nothing but wonderful things to say about it as it has done exactly what God said it would do… encourage hearts, provide revelation and confidence using His Word. It confirms that we are all called to impact the world with Jesus Christ!
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Well… Let’s see!
1)I was in a music video back in the late 80’s with a group called FOREIGNER. While singing with the Youth Division of The New Jersey Mass Choir, I was part of day long video shoot of the song.., “I Want To Know What Love Is”. It was an awesome experience and a memory that I will never forget.
2) I’m a part-time Fitness Instructor and a real CARDIO junkie. I love STEP Aerobics and Cardio Dance and use Gospel House music to work-out and praise God at the same time. The crazy thing about it is that I absolutely LOVE cakes, cookies, etc. How can I be such a fitness junkie and a sweets junkie at the same time??? You tell me? That surprises me, if no one else!
3) Lastly, if someone would have told me that by age 40, I would have two novels and a third one on the way, I would have never believed them. Many readers think that I have been writing for my entire life and that is true to some extent but I wrote for school and my profession. Writing about the love of Jesus and sharing His word with the masses using fiction is an awesome surprise to me… It certainly goes to show us that God has a way of moving us into our destiny as He prepares us along the way. I love what I do and crazily enough, I couldn’t stop writing if I wanted to!
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I have completed my third novel: THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME. This novel took me the longest to write and has blessed me immensely. It is seasoned with the sensuality of love, the need for familial truth and deliverance as well as God’s promise of hope and redemption. Regardless of who you are; rich or poor and whatever you’ve done or what your family or people in your life have done to you, the blood of Jesus can make you a new creature because of its power. Many are living defeated lives, unaware that freedom and life in abundance is available. Set in present day, THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME chronicles a woman’s desire for redemption. The novel will enlighten and encourage as we journey with the heroine, Honey Lamb. Because the story of her life is one of demoralizing circumstances, she questions why she is and who she is. Not realizing that God places people in our lives for His purpose, she reluctantly embarks upon a journey that will open her eyes and heart to a divine inheritance.
5) Parting comments?
I consider it an honor and privilege that K. Dawn Byrd Blog Spot would decide to spotlight me and my novel, The Son. This is truly a blessing. Thank You!!! Sharing stories of faith and His unconditional and unending love, will change lives and provide spiritual revelation thus augmenting the Kingdom of God. I believe this is what God has purposed for my life and I am determined to walk it. It has been made clear that my steps are divinely ordered and I am assured that God has purposed me to affect lives in a realistic way with messages that will birth “overcomers” in the Earth that will glorify God!
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
Please visit www.mannricks.net to read more what God has purposed for my life as well as events, workshops and dialogues that I have had the pleasure to facilitate. Interested readers can certainly purchase my novels Awesome Wonder, my debut novel as well as The Son . I am presently having a “READY for RAIN” Online Sale! Each novel is only $5.00!! Click on the “Christ IS” link to make your “READY for RAIN” purchase and the novel will be signed and shipped to your location.
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