Joining ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) was the best decision I've ever made when it comes to the crazy hobby that I've self-inflicted upon myself...writing. I can attribute most of what I know about this passionate subject to some aspect of ACFW membership. Members have recommended books on the craft, critiqued my work, and celebrated with me when I signed my first contract.
The wealth of information is astounding. No matter what question I have, someone has an answer. Do you have a question about what would happen to your heroine at the emergency room? The doctor is in. A question about farming? The farmer is in residence. How about the weather in 1910? Yep, you got it. There's someone somewhere within ACFW ready, willing, and able to advise.
Let's not forget the encouragement. At some point, we've all felt like quitting. I'm amazed at the response a down-and-out author gets when they share this with the loop. I'm sure that many have gone on to sign contracts that they never would have signed if the ACFW troops had not rallied and encouraged them to pull up their boot straps and continue on.
Membership in ACFW has more benefits than I can list. Here's just a few from their website:
For Everyone:
Subscriptions to ACFW Private Email Lists
Access to ACFW Private Forums
Monthly E-zine
Critique Groups
Resources, Tips, and Archives on the ACFW Members Only Site
Exclusive Online Writer Courses
ACFW Book Club
Member Rates for the Annual ACFW National Conference
Local and Regional Zone Groups
For Published Authors:
Free Advertising of New & Upcoming Books
Group Book Signings and Promotional Efforts
Host Online Author Chats in Our Public ACFW Chat
Author Interviews Posted Online
Eligibility to Win the ACFW Book of the Year Award
Teaching and Mentoring Opportunities
Best of all, you become a member of a large family of Christian writers like yourself!
I have recommended that several people join ACFW and am happy to say that they've told me that it's the best decision pertaining to their writing they've ever made. Even though membership has great benefits, I've found the biggest blessing is that I've made so many wonderful friends. People who don't write, don't understand a writer's life. It's nice to have people to talk to who actually understand the challenges we face, the joys we celebrate, and the tears we cry. I'm so excited about meeting my friends at the conference in Indianapolis, Indiana in September! Speaking of conference, here some highlights from the ACFW website here:
The Registration fee includes:
* Conference Workshops, Continuing Education Sessions and Program activities
* Meals (Friday night dinner, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday, Awards Banquet on Sunday, and light breakfast on Monday).
* Many appointments are available on a first pay, first slotted basis: editors, agents, mentoring, and media training.
*Applicable materials
Need an agent? The following will be present:
Sandra Bishop
Terry Burns
Rachelle Gardner
Tamela Hancock Murray
Joyce Hart
Steve Laube
Amanda Leudeke
Chip MacGregor
Mary Sue Seymour
Karen Solem
Les Stobbe
Etta Wilson
Looking for a publisher? The following will be present:
Abingdon Press
B&H Publishing Group
Bethany House Publishers
Guideposts Books
Harvest House
Howard Books
Marcher Lord Press
Steeple Hill
Summerside Press
Thomas Nelson
Whitaker House
As you can see, there will something for anyone who's ever entertained the thought of writing Christian fiction. This is THE premier conference and one you don't want to miss. I'm looking forward to the workshops, the contacts, and meeting the friends I've made through membership in this wonderful organization. For more information, visit their website at http://www.acfw.com/conference/generalinfo.shtml. I hope to see you there!