We're happy to have Sandra D. Bricker with us today.
Click on the photo to the left to visit the author's website. Read on to learn more about Sandra and her book...
1) How did this story come to you?
I battled ovarian cancer several years ago, and I was talking about that with someone. The subject came up about what happens AFTER cancer treatment; that overwhelming feeling of "What next?!" That niggled at me for a while, until one day it occurred to me that the best way for me as a writer to deal with something is to turn it on its ear and poke fun at it. And so Olivia and her post-cancer new life was born.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
I'm particularly excited about the release of The Big 5-OH! because it's my first book with Abingdon Press. I'd been writing for Summerside Press already, and that felt very much like home to me. So venturing out to another house was a little daunting. But it certainly didn't take long for me in getting to know Barbara Scott and the folks at Abingdon to know that this was a perfect extension for me.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1. I started out my writing career with dreams of writing screenplays. I even went to film school to learn. And after that ... I was going to be the next great suspense author. Apparently, God had a different plan for me. :-)
2. Speaking of God's plans ... I was supposed to be on TWA Flight 800, the one that went down on its way to Paris. If not for my business partner losing her birth certificate and not being able to get her passport before the trip, I would have been on that flight.
3. I think birthday cake is the greatest invention of our time. A layered cake with sweet, creamy icing ... there's nothing that tempts me more. Nothing.Not Jon Bon Jovi, not Chinese food, not even chocolate. All worthy adversaries, but there's just something about birthday cake!
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I've recently finished and turned in my fall book for Abingdon, Always the Baker, Never the Bride. And now I've started on the next one for Summerside Press, Love Finds You in Carmel, California.
5) Parting comments?
Just that I'd like to thank you so much for inviting me to spend a few minutes here with all of you. I'm so proud of The Big 5-OH! and really excited to hear what everyone thinks of it.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
My Web site is at www.SandraDBricker.com, and my blog can be found at http://SandraDBricker.blogspot.com.