Menu for Romance-- Kaye Dacus has done it again. Book two in the Brides of Bonneterre series is an awesome read! And, as an added bonus, it you like food, you'll drool over the menu. Kaye is excellent at building tension between the two love interests. She'll keep you on your toes wondering what's going to happen next. You'll feel so much like these characters are your friends that you'll be rooting for them as you read and praying to God that after being friends for eight years, someone will help these two realize their love for each other. I was particularly fascinated by the chef mother. I have always been interested in mental health and am working in the mental health field. Kaye does a wonderful job at showing that mental illness is not scary. The chef's mother is delightful and will keep you laughing. I live in the boonies and made a special trip 30 miles away to buy the book on the release date. You can imagine my disappointment when it wasn't in stock. I posted on American Christian Fiction Writers (Kaye is also a member and I highly recommend this group if you're a Christian writer.) Imagine my surprise when Kaye responded. Kaye is every bit as delightful as her characters. Please...someone tell me that there's going to be third book in this series!

Stand In Groom-- Kaye Dacus' recent release, is an excellent book. I highly recommend it after you'd had a stressful day and want to get away. One thing that really stands out in my mind about the book is that Kaye's heroine is a beautiful, full-figured, size 18 woman. Kaye shows us that size 18 is as beautiful as size 4. After all, we are all beautiful in God's eyes. The hero, who works out several times a week and is in good shape falls for this shapely woman. This book also speaks to us of how God can heal relationships and past hurts. I won't go into detail other than to say that the heroine was hurt years ago and has never been able to forgive and let it go. God works everything out in HIS timing. Kaye does an excellent job of showing how God comes through and answers prayers. Our hero and heroine face many obstacles, but healing and a happy end is found for all. This was one of those books that I just could not put down. Kaye did an excellent job of portraying her characters so well that we come to know them as friends and can't wait to see what happens next. So, make a bee line for your Christian bookstore and pick it up. You won't be disappointed!