James L. Rubart's "Rooms"
We're happy to have James L. Rubart with us today talking about his new book, Rooms. To learn more about James and Rooms, read on!
1) How did this story come to you?
In my teens I read a little pamphlet My Heart, Christ’s Home. In my mid-twenties I thought, “What if you took that idea and put it on steroids?” After laying dormaint for many years it eventually become ROOMS.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
The dream to be a writer started in 7th grade when a story I wrote was picked to be acted out in class. But I didn’t do anything about it till 2003 because of fear. At that point I got serious, finished ROOMS in late ’05, went to my first conference in the spring of ’06, and signed with an agent six months later. He shopped it to all the major houses and everyone rejected it. But a year later, David Webb (with B&H at the time) said he’d read 200 manuscripts since he first read ROOMS but he couldn’t get it out of his mind, so decided to take another run at it. ROOMS sold in June of ’08.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Fun question! I used to be a semi-professional magician, I’ve almost drowned twice but still like to scuba dive, and I started my career on-air at a Seattle radio station.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I just signed a new three-book contract with B&H which I’m thrilled about. Book of Days will hit shelves on January 2011 and The Chair will be released fall of 2011, and I’m working on ideas for the fourth book.
5) Parting comments?
I lived too many years with my music still inside. Don’t do that. Take the risk, go after your dream. Even if you don’t reach it you won’t carry any regrets.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
My author Web site is: http://www.jimrubart.com/
My marketing company is: http://www.barefootmarketing.com/
e-mail: jim@jimrubart.com
Facebook: James L. Rubart
Twitter: @jimrubart