We're happy to have Deborah Vogts with us today talking about her book, Seeds of Summer. To learn more about Deborah and her book, read on!
1) How did this story come to you?
Years ago, I took a Flint Hills Folklife course at Emporia State University. Along with classroom study, we took field trips into the heart of the Flint Hills and visited with old-time ranchers, schoolmarms and post-mistresses. It was such a delightful experience, especially our drives into the pastures. We would get on these back roads and drive over pasture guards into the open range. We would travel for miles without seeing another car or even an electric line—just pure, native prairie. That summer, I fell in love with the Flint Hills and it has stayed with me all this time.
For each of the seasonal books, I portray one aspect found in the Flint Hills—and I wanted to include one story about a female rancher. Also because I have three daughters who are spread out in age, I started wondering what it would be like if something happened to my husband and I, and our oldest daughter was left to care for her sisters. That’s where the plot originated for Seeds of Summer.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
I met my first agent at the ACFW Nashville Conference in 2005. We hit it off at our meeting, and she gave me some tips on making my book series “bigger.” I did that and submitted my idea to her and she took me on. We shopped my Seasons of the Tallgrass series for a year and had a few bites (one of them Zondervan) but no sale. In the end, she released me, which was a real heart breaker. However, we don’t always see the big picture like God does, and six months later I signed with agent, Rachelle Gardner with WordServe Literary, and we had an offer from Zondervan three months after that in May 2008.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1 – I sold Princess House Crystal when I was in high school.
2 – I LOVE camping in the Rocky Mountains
3 – When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a concert pianist.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I’m currently finishing up the third book in the series, Blades of Autumn, which is the story about Clara, the owner of Clara’s Café.
(Blurb for Book #3) With a café to run and three children to raise, Clara Lambert doesn’t have time for men or loneliness, despite what her heart might tell her. When two handsome cowboys vie for her attention, one of the brothers proves to be her soul mate, but at what cost? Will it tear the brothers’ relationship apart or is blood really thicker than water?
After that, I’m hoping for another contract—on the fourth book in this series (Winters Frosty Path), or possibly another series.
5) Parting comments?
Keep smiling, stay faithful to God and to yourself, and enjoy the moments He gives you . . . Thanks so much for having me on your blog. I look forward to hearing from your readers.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I’m on Facebook, Twitter or readers may visit my Web site: http://www.deborahvogts.com/ or my Country at Heart blog: http://www.deborahvogts.blogspot.com/