We're happy to have Tina Pinson with us today talking about her book,
In the Manor of the Ghost. To learn more about Tina and her book, read on!
(Note: If you're not set up to read ebooks, scroll down on the blog to find out how to download a free Kindle app for your computer.)Title:
In the Manor of the Ghost1) How did this story come to you? It unfolded in a dream. I had just visited Minnesota, and passed through an area where there were black walnut groves. I was thinking about how to work the landscape and visit into a storyline, when I dreamed the first chapter for In the Manor of the Ghost, and subsequently the rest of the book.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published. I wrote the story in 2000 and tried to get it published, only to learn that I hadn't followed the rules of writing. They'd changed while I was on hiatus to have children, so I needed to tweak the story and do more editing to make it sellable.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers. I love to sing, was somewhat of a tomboy growing up, which made me think I should become the next Doris Day. I've been married for over 30 years. I am a grandmother and I wrote my first novel in elementary school.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you? Lately, when I find time to write, I've been working on a Sci-Fi time-travel series, with clones, gene mutation, and bad people trying to get rid of Christ. Counting Tessa is the first installment. Then I plan to get back to two Civil War Era stories I've been working on, Finding Middle C, and From Hell to Eternity. Another novel, Touched By Mercy, will be released this December 2010 through Desert Breeze Publishing.
5) Parting comments? Just wanted to take a moment and say a little bit about In the
Manor of the Ghost. Yes, it has romance, a love story and a ghost. But it's important to know that while In the Manor of the Ghost takes place in a manor, some of the houses we reside in aren't made of lumber or stones. They are fashioned from our fears and are as thick around us as a wall might be. Some of the Ghosts we face are those fears. Real or perceived, they can haunt us for years. In the Manor of the Ghost is an inspirational, written with facing those unseen ghosts in mind.
It is my belief that as God is the author and creator of love and romance, some of the most beautiful love stories come out of two people growing together through good times and trials, facing their fears and turning them over to the Lord.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
They can visit my website --
http://www.tinapinson.com/blank.htmlPurchase my book at Desert Breeze Bookstore.
http://stores.desertbreezepublishing.com/-strse-92/In-the-Manor-of/Detail.bokStop at my Blogsite—
http://tinapinson.blogspot.com/Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to share my books and myself.
In honor of the release of In the Manor of the Ghost, I am running a contest, Win a Kindle… Catch a Ghost for the entire month of June 2010. Check out my blog for the particulars.