We're happy to have Cathy Bryant with us today talking about her book, "Texas Roads: A Miller's Creek Novel."
To purchase Cathy's book, navigate to the bottom of her interview. To learn more about Cathy, please read on.
Your title: TEXAS ROADS
1) How did this story come to you?
The spiritual message of the book came from my own desire to find home. After moving from one small Texas town to another, God taught me that our only “real” home is in Him. My heroine takes the same spiritual journey. The basic plot of the story came when I was working in the garden and a car drove by slowly, the driver staring at me like I was a zoo exhibit. The incident irked me, and I thought, “If it bothers me so much after living in small towns my entire life, how would a city socialite handle the lack of privacy you sometimes feel in a small town?” Afterwards, the scenes began playing out in my head like a movie.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
TEXAS ROADS, a 2009 ACFW Genesis finalist, was being considered by two publishers when I felt God telling me to go a different direction. Against the advice of many, I pulled the manuscript from further consideration, and put it into e-book and print format myself.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
~ I’m a published composer of several children’s songs.
~ I’m a teacher/musician by profession.
~ I’m self-taught on piano.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
I’m currently trying to get the word out about TEXAS ROADS, but I’m also over halfway finished with book two in the Miller’s Creek, Texas series, tentatively titled A PATH TOO NARROW.
5) Parting comments? TEXAS ROADS is available in e-book format at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/8963. The book is available at a 25% discount during the week of March 7-13, 2010 in honor of “Read An E-Book Week.” The book is also available in print format at https://www.createspace.com/3429242. If you prefer an autographed copy, you can mail a check for $17.06 (to cover book cost, tax and S&H) to Cathy Bryant, P. O. Box 971, New Boston, TX 75570. Be sure to send a return address and let me know who to sign the book for. A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to Buckner International, a global Christian ministry that provides care and resources for orphans and at-risk children in the United States and more than 50 countries around the world.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog!
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I spend at least a few minutes each day at Facebook, Twitter and ShoutLife. But the best places to reach me are my website guestbook at www.CatBryant.com or my blog, WordVessel (http://WordVessel.blogspot.com).