Title: The Rose of Winslow Street
Publisher: Bethany House
Cover blurb: Libby Sawyer’s quiet, respectable life in Colden, Massachusetts is shattered when a bold stranger from Romania invades her world. Fascinated by this enigmatic man, Libby uncovers layers of mystery surrounding Michael Dobrescu’s amazing past….and his plans for the future in which she plays a startling role.
1) How did this story come to you?
Like a lot of writers, I glean tidbits from real life stories. A few years ago there was a case in my hometown in which a man doing home renovations found $200,000 hidden in the ductwork of his house. He thought he hit the jackpot until the previous owner showed up and wanted it back. A nasty court case ensued, and it is still wending its way through the system. This incident provided the seed of an idea in which a descendant of the previous home-owner shows up at a house claiming ownership, but that is where the resemblance the real-life story ends.
The Rose of Winslow Street is set in 1879 and features a mysterious band of strangers from Europe who come to a peaceful village where they must unravel a century-old mystery that is wrapped up in the house where the heroine lives. In short order, they seize the house and proclaim ownership over it, dispossessing the heroine and her family. In order for the plot to work, I needed both sides to be highly sympathetic, yet set against each other in stark opposition, with no easy solution in sight. Michael and Libby are natural enemies, but they are also both exceptionally smart people who develop a grudging respect for each other. And sometimes the attraction of forbidden fruit is a powerful romantic draw, as Libby soon discovers.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
I think all authors probably have manuscripts they struggle with, and others which simply pour out of them in a stream of inspiration. The Rose of Winslow Street was in that second category. I loved every second of writing this book, and amazingly, my publishers agreed and asked for almost no revisions. That doesn’t happen very often!
3) Tell me a couple things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I am a “stealth nerd.” I suffered from almost crippling introversion until high school, when I signed up for Drama class in an attempt to get over my shyness. It worked. Now I’m pretty good at faking poise, even though the introverted geekiness is still with me. Always will be, I suppose. I can fake it for a couple of hours before I have to withdraw into the shell of my office to recharge my batteries in private.
I am generally out of bed by 4:00 in the morning. Because my husband needs to leave for work by 6:00, and we both like to go to the gym for an hour on most days, that 4AM wake-up call is the only way it is going to happen!
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
My next book features a character from my first novel, The Lady of Bolton Hill. It is entirely a stand-alone book, so readers will be able to hop right in, even if they didn’t read the first. Alex Banebridge was a wonderfully fun, whiplash smart character in the first book, even though he was only seventeen years old. In the next book, Alex Banebridge is all grown up and is ready to set the world on fire. Look for it in late 2012.
5) Parting comments?
Just that I am thankful for the chance to be in this business. Reading novels was a huge part of my life, and if I can give back just a fraction of the joy I have had from reading, I will be very grateful indeed. Thank you for the opportunity to help me get the word out!
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I blog about the romance genre and what’s going on in the industry at http://elizabethcamden.com/blog