We're happy to have Sandra Soookoo with us today talking about her new release "The Trouble with Love."
Click on the photo to the left to visit the author's or publisher's website. Read on to learn more about Sandra and her book...
1) How did this story come to you?
This was one of the first books I’d completed. I thought it would be funny to write about a woman who had a secret admirer as well as another guy who was interested in her at the same time.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
It crashed and burned on the contest circuit & got shredded in a critique group. When I casually subbed it to Desert Breeze, the editor loved it immediately and offered a contract. Guess you shouldn’t give up on a book
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
I can’t bake cakes very well. My favorite book to read of all time is Jurassic Park but I can’t read it before bedtime because I’ll have nightmares. I secretly find writing love scenes a bit easier to write than fight scenes
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
Right now, I’m working on my third full length paranormal/fantasy book dealing with dragons. What’s next? Anything’s possible but most likely it’ll be another paranormal novella (if the first one finds a home)
5) Parting comments?
Keep plugging away. Keep writing. If you give up because things get hard or uncomfortable, you’re only hurting yourself.
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
My website: http://www.sandrasookoo. I’m also on Facebook and Twitter. Both links are on my website homepage.