1) How did this story come to you?
I was working on the last book for my second World War II series for Heartsong Presents and beginning to think about where I might want to set a future series. My husband, who is as big a World War II fan as I am if not more, and I were brainstorming one night. Since I’d done two series set in the Midwest, I kind of wanted to branch out, and I’ve long had a love of classic movies. As Eric and I were talking, we hit on the idea of Hollywood during World War II.
There were so many different roles that the stars played during the war. Canteens. USO tours. Active service. 4-Fed. The plot options and historical details seemed endless. Then as I researched I stumbled on the original Hollywood Victory Caravan. My imagination kicked into overdrive. What if I created a second Victory Caravan? What if a killer followed someone on to the train? What if people died and you were trapped on the train with a killer? And what if romance blossomed in the midst of the suspense? I got pretty pumped very quickly.
Then I got a call from the woman who became my editor at Summerside. She wondered if I might be interested in writing historical romantic suspense for them. And as God works, one of the settings they were interested in was Hollywood. It was perfect timing and a great fit.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.
Once Susan and I had decided the book was a good idea, I got the signed contract in October 2009. The due date for the book was February 2010, and it released July 1, so it was a very quick turn around. But everyone at Summerside was a delight to work with, and I absolutely adore the cover they gave the book. It’s awesome!
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1. I love cats – but love my husband more since he’s allergic which means no more cats.
2. I am a dyed in the wool Cornhusker. Go Big Red! And I’m nervous about the Huskers joining the Big Ten in 2011 since that means they’ll be in the same conference as my husband’s alma mater.
3. Not only do I homeschool my kids, but I was homeschooled from fifth through tenth grades, when I started college.
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?
Currently I am writing book ten in Guideposts’ new contemporary mystery series. I have also written book four which releases in September. It’s a series that centers around a 62 year old protagonist that loves quilts and stumbles into lots of mysteries in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.
5) Parting comments?
It is an honor and privilege to be able to write books. My heart’s cry is to write books that honor God and the vision that He gives me while providing entertainment and escape for women as they read. I hope they are swept away into a romance and suspense as they read Stars in the Night.
Could the man Audra loves be her sister’s Murderer?
During WWII, attorney Audra Shaeffer travels with the second Hollywood Victory Caravan – but she’s more interested in solving her sisters murder than selling war bonds. When two people on the train are found dead, including the ex-wife of handsome star Robert Garfield, Audra starts to wonder if Robert’s affectionate overtures are setting her up to be his next victim…
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?
I can be found at my website (http://www.caraputman.com/), facebook, twitter, and shoutlife. Thanks so much for having me, Dawn!