We're happy to have Maureen Lang with us today talking about her book, Whisper on the Wind. To learn more about Maureen and her book, read on!
1) How did this story come to you?Through research! I love reading about the First World War era, and came across references to an “illegal, uncensored” newspaper that the German occupying army in Belgium very much wanted to stop. I knew there was a story there. So I created characters living in Belgium who are willing to do whatever they can to resist the Germans. For them, it’s helping to circulate this powerful little newssheet that thumbs its nose at an iron-fisted enemy.
2) Tell us about the journey to getting this book published.This book actually has one of the longest journeys. I originally conceived the idea back around the year 2000, but I had so much fun with the first draft it was extremely long—over 150,000 words. I knew it would have to be cut to a more reasonable length, under 100,000 if possible. But rather than take the time to make it more marketable, I went on to write and then publish several other books. I always knew I’d come back to this one, though. And I did. I never entirely gave up on it, and it’s had plenty of time devoted to cutting and revising, so I’m hoping it’s my best book to date.
3) Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.Well, if they haven’t read anything else by me, in particular The Oak Leaves, they might be surprised to learn I have a child with Fragile X Syndrome, a form of genetic mental retardation. He just turned fifteen, but functions more like a two year old—a very tall two-year-old, since he’s taller than I am! That means pretty much constant attention when he’s not at school for those few hours during the day.
Readers might also be surprised to learn that although I’m an eager, avid reader, I only finish books that captivate me. If I’m not learning something from a book, or enthralled with the plot or characters, I just don’t have the time to plod through something just to reach The End. I know many readers who would never abandon a book once started, but I just can’t force myself to be that diligent. I admit this reluctantly, knowing that in all likelihood some people have set aside one of my books, which is of course just about the saddest thing an author can envision about their work.
That’s only two, but for the life of me I cannot think of a third! I’m pretty open about most things in my life, so everything that comes to my mind doesn’t seem as though it would surprise anyone. I’m a member of groups you would expect: ACFW, RWA, a local writer’s group, a Christian church, a wonderful family. All that might seem rather dull, and not very surprising, but that’s my life!
4) What are you working on now and what's next for you?Did I just say my life was dull and not very surprising? Not true! I just finished a book I’m sooo excited about, and not only was it anything but dull, the content was a total surprise to me. I thought it might be interesting to finally give a plot line to the Germans, who have largely been the “bad guys” in my previous books. Of course every book needs angst, but there was just so much to choose from if I set the book in Germany at the end of the war. I zeroed in on my heroine, who tries escaping the guilt she feels over her father’s war profits by going to Munich and taking up with a seductive revolutionary. But when her parents send an old friend after her—a soldier trying to get over his own war nightmares—she must choose between faith or guilt, conservative or liberal hopes, and love or appeasement. It’s titled Springtime of the Spirit and comes out with Tyndale next March (2011). And I can’t wait!
Okay, so my excitement only comes through the characters I dream up…I guess my real life is still rather dull and unsurprising. Sigh.
5) Parting comments?I’m happy to present a signed copy of Whisper on the Wind to a blog winner according to Dawn’s guidelines, and hope the story will inspire and entertain. Thanks very much for visiting with me!
6) Where can fans find you on the internet?http://www.maureenlang.com/
http://maureenlang.blogspot.com/ (where I’m blogging about the story behind Whisper on the Wind)
Please enter me! This will go great with what we're learning in school!
Great review and awesome giveaways! Thanks for allowing us the pleasure to try and win books on your blog. I really enjoy seeing what you give away.
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This was really interesting! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I love reading about the WWs and I've been interested in reading this one for a while.
Great interview! One never knows what is down that road, and I'll bet your Son is a blessing!
ReplyDeleteThis books sounds wonderful! I love reading historical fiction!
Thank You!
I can't wait to read this book! It looks great! Please enter me!
Great interview! I can't wait to read this book! Please enter me!
I really enjoy Maureen's books and I love this time period.
Thanks very much for the interest in my book! Whisper on the Wind is one of my favorites, even though I know books are like our children so we're not supposed to have favorites. Perhaps a better comparison would be that it's like one of my "older children" whom I've known and loved longer than my others. :-)
ReplyDeleteTo Emily - so much of Whisper on the Wind is based on fact that I really do hope this helps your studies of the era!
And to the "other" Maureen :-) You're absolutely right, my son really is a blessing. He reminds me of that every day with his smile!
Please include me in this giveaway. I'm a subscriber. I have look to the east would love to win this one. thanks
ReplyDeleteABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Whisper on the Wind sounds like a great read.
Would love to read this book. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
I loved The Oak Leaves and this book looks like a great story too. Please enter me in the draw.
I to love to read books that I learn something from. Your books are always a favorite for me because they have helped me through some rough times, so I thank you for all the help you have given me with out knowing. Please keep it up.. I also have a son with special needs and know how difficult everyday can be...he is my own little light that keeps me going everyday.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to reading this book. I love anything that is historical. this is one of my favorite time periods.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read this book!
ReplyDeletewould love to read this novel...thanks for the chance :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com